There are some variations in the ways different sects of Kabbalah do things, such as making amulets and talismans, and doing more magical things, or others sects are more into gematria (numerology), etc. However, Orthodox Jews also practice Kabbalah to somewhat of a lesser degree based on Judaism in a more cultural and traditional form.

The Book of Zohar

Also, in Kabbalah, Hebrew letters and words were highly symbolic and with esoteric meanings. They are also coded with gematria, which is numerology. Kabbalah Book of Zohar is said to be full of numerological codings hidden in Hebrew letters and geometrical symbols.

Unfortunately Christians often think that learning Hebrew and gematria are the thing to do. If done correctly, studying Scriptural Hebrew (but definitely not gematria) will certainly help in understanding scripture. But, one must be very careful, when being taught by Messianic rabbis and Hebraic Roots teachers, for their teachings are heavily Kabbalistic. It means what they teach is rooted in esoteric knowledge that has nothing to do with the original truth from the Five Books of Moses. Many become impressed by their esoteric knowledge, and also out of respect for the Hebrew Scriptures, become easily deceived by what is taught. These false teachers have Hi-Jacked many aspects of our Christian heritage and replaced it with Kabbalah and Judaism culture and traditions. We need to be aware of the fact scholars report that the modern Khazarian Kabbalistic Jews have been controlling what is available to the public in terms of archaeological findings and scholastic materials. 

Defining Judaism’s Talmud

As this report has shown, Judaism is a false religion that follows an extremely large set of man-made “laws” as a way of living. The man-made “Jewish law” spoken of here is not .” Halakha is defined as a collection of orally transmitted of “Mitzvot” (the 613 biblical laws) and also the Pharisee’s “Talmudic laws,” later including the rabbinical laws. Judaism’s Talmud consists of “Gemura” (“learning by tradition”), Mishna (the “oral” Torah), and written Torah. The actual written Scriptural Torah is the smallest part of the whole teaching, and it is mainly about the laws and the gematria (Kabbalistic numerology). Except for actual Torah, they are all compilations of orally transmitted “interpretations and teachings” of so-called “sages” (meaning a “wise and highly educated man”) and the rabbis, which originated around the time of the Babylonian exile between 597 and 538 BC (2 Ki 24-25;2 Ch 36; and Ezr – Neh).

In Judaism’s gematria, the so-called science of numbers, we find the teaching that the one whom Christians know as Satan, the Devil, is for the Jews the divine instrument of… “sacred, revelatory light… This serpent is…the middle brain which is in the middle of the letters of the Torah.” The rabbis further insist that it is their Sacred Serpent, their deity, who is at the very center of the Torah. He is an essential being of their godhead, and he provides the serpentine energy that brings a Jew to a spiritually mature state. The religious Jew, say the rabbis, is brought to spiritual maturity—to a “Divine Consciousness”—through the help of the snake. He—that is, every Jew—lives inside the belly of the Serpent. It is his covering, protector, guide, Lord, and Messiah. 

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Excerpt From:

The Kabbalah Judaism and the Free Masons

About the author

Gera'el Toma

A highly esteemed elder in the faith of the Natsarim, the first century believers in Messiah Yahusha, and a treasured member of the Remnant House Team.

Gera'el Toma (Gerald Thomas) is an internationally recognized and respected teacher of the Holy Scriptures as originally written in the Hebrew language.

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Gera'el Toma

A highly esteemed elder in the faith of the Natsarim, the first century believers in Messiah Yahusha, and a treasured member of the Remnant House Team.

Gera'el Toma (Gerald Thomas) is an internationally recognized and respected teacher of the Holy Scriptures as originally written in the Hebrew language.

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