CategoryScriptural Truths

Should we say Amen, Ahmein, Amein or Omaine?


Should we say Amen, Ahmein, Amein or Omaine? Many people bow their heads, clasp their hands together, they close their eyes, and pray and then say Amen, Ahmein, Amein or Omaine after praying. However, should we bow our heads, put our hand together, close our eyes, and then end our prayers with something?  And if so, what should we say and why? Well the Scriptural truth may surprise you, even...

The Tiny Seed Knew


The Tiny Seed Knew The Life is in the Seed and that seed knows in order for it to be blessed and be multiplied it must break out of its shell.  Just when the Tiny Seed starts breaking out of it’s shell it quickly discovers it is buried deep in dirt and darkness. Once the Tiny Seed breaks out of its shell it begins to be drawn and reaching for The Light fervently and relentlessly. Because of the...

Yahmayn / Yahmain / Ahmain / Amain 


Yahmayn / Yahmain / Ahmain / Amain 
Strong’s Concordance of Hebrew and Greek Words:
H3225 – yah meyn – yaw-meen’
From H3231; the right hand or side (leg, eye) of a person or other object…
Literal Translations:
So be it, According to the will and working of YAHUAH I affirm to be on His Right hand Side in agreement.

Origin of AMEN in Judaism, Islam and Christianity


Origin of AMEN in Judaism, Islam and Christianity I have always had interest in archaeology and history of Ancient world. I spend about many years of my life involved with studying the Scriptures and I am always fascinated how there are still so much I don’t know about it. In the three religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, whenever the faithful pray, regardless of language, they always...

Amen? Lord? God? Just Who Are You Worshipping??


Amen? Lord? God? Just Who Are You Worshipping?? TruthUnveiled777 Brother Chris goes over the pagan titles of lord, god and the word amen. Where do they come from and what are its origins??? Only the TRUTH can make you Free. Then why do we see common words such as “Amen,” “Lord,” and “God” placed in today’s “Holy Bible?” Are these words...

What Does The Scripture Say About Cremation?


What Does The Scripture Say About Cremation? The Scripture does not give any specific teaching about cremation. There are occurrences in the Old Testament of people being burned to death (1 Kings 16:18; 2 Kings 21:6) and of human bones being burned (2 Kings 23:16-20), but these are not examples of cremation. It is interesting to note that in 2 Kings 23:16-20, burning human bones on an altar...

Qadosh Nation: The Three Tithes of the Scripture


Qadosh Nation: The Three Tithes of the Scripture Peter Michael Martinez March 17, 2024 The Three Tithes of the Scripture and how they apply to the Qadosh Nation Today. There have been several contentions that I have observed over the years as people awaken to the TRUTH of the scripture, the commandments of Elohim, and how we are to walk as Renewed Covenant disciples of Messiah Yahusha. The Name...

What Does The Scripture Say About Envy?


What Does The Scripture Say About Envy? A simple definition of envy is “to want what belongs to someone else.” A more thorough description of envy is “a resentful, dissatisfied longing for another’s possessions, position, fortune, achievements, or success.” The Scripture says envy is an act of the flesh, the result of human sin: “The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and...



ACHAN’S ERROR! By Peter Michael Martinez  The ANGER of Yahuah was kindled against THE WHOLE HOUSE OF YASHAR’EL for harboring a THEIF.  ————— So many do not obey first and ask questions AFTER OBEYING … but this is the way of FAITH.  FAITH obeys even when he doesn’t understand … Ask Abraham!  NO … MOST want to FULLY UNDERSTAND FIRST and then maybe … if it sounds...

KumbaYah:  What does “Kumbaya” mean and why should we care?


KumbaYah What does “Kumbaya” mean and why should we care? Race, culture, humor, politics, stereotypes, class, language – a few topics that come up around the song “Kumbaya”. Kumbaya is pigeon English of the phrase “Come By Here”.  I came across an excellent arrangement of “Come By Here” in the GIA African American Church Music Series. It was done by Uzee Brown Jr.  As I meditated on the meaning...

Peter Michael Martinez

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