
Should we say Amen, Ahmein, Amein or Omaine?


Should we say Amen, Ahmein, Amein or Omaine? Many people bow their heads, clasp their hands together, they close their eyes, and pray and then say Amen, Ahmein, Amein or Omaine after praying. However, should we bow our heads, put our hand together, close our eyes, and then end our prayers with something?  And if so, what should we say and why? Well the Scriptural truth may surprise you, even...

The Tiny Seed Knew


The Tiny Seed Knew The Life is in the Seed and that seed knows in order for it to be blessed and be multiplied it must break out of its shell.  Just when the Tiny Seed starts breaking out of it’s shell it quickly discovers it is buried deep in dirt and darkness. Once the Tiny Seed breaks out of its shell it begins to be drawn and reaching for The Light fervently and relentlessly. Because of the...

Understanding Imposter Syndrome: Why You Feel Like a Fraud


Understanding Imposter Syndrome: Why You Feel Like a Fraud In this illuminating video we dive into the perplexing world of imposter syndrome, a psychological phenomenon that leaves many individuals feeling undeserving of their success, despite evident accomplishments. This deep-seated doubt is not just a personal crisis; it’s a widespread issue that affects how people perceive their...

Wag The Dog 


Wag The Dog  Wag the dog is, as a political term, the act of creating a diversion from a damaging issue usually through military force. It stems from the generic use of the term to mean a small and seemingly unimportant entity (the tail) controls a bigger, more important one (the dog). It is usually used by a politician when they are in a scandal, in hopes that people forget about the scandal and...

12 Amazing Qualities of People Who Like to Be Alone (Psychology Facts & Human Behavior)


12 Amazing Qualities of People Who Like to Be Alone (Psychology Facts & Human Behavior) In the vast tapestry of human interactions, there’s a quiet, yet deeply profound, corner occupied by people who like to be alone. They are not necessarily shy, nor are they disconnected. Instead, their solitude reveals a mosaic of special personality traits, often misunderstood but undeniably...



A psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and have positive feelings towards their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them.
What is Stockholm Syndrome???
Learn More: Watch Video: Click on Link:

Yahmayn / Yahmain / Ahmain / Amain 


Yahmayn / Yahmain / Ahmain / Amain 
Strong’s Concordance of Hebrew and Greek Words:
H3225 – yah meyn – yaw-meen’
From H3231; the right hand or side (leg, eye) of a person or other object…
Literal Translations:
So be it, According to the will and working of YAHUAH I affirm to be on His Right hand Side in agreement.

Origin of AMEN in Judaism, Islam and Christianity


Origin of AMEN in Judaism, Islam and Christianity I have always had interest in archaeology and history of Ancient world. I spend about many years of my life involved with studying the Scriptures and I am always fascinated how there are still so much I don’t know about it. In the three religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, whenever the faithful pray, regardless of language, they always...

Pagan Gods and the Naming of the Days


Pagan Gods and the Naming of the Days By April Holloway We speak the names of the gods on a daily basis and most people do not even realize it. Every day of the week, religious and non-religious people alike follow the old pagan tradition of giving thanks to the gods of old. In ancient Mesopotamia, astrologers assigned each day of the week the name of a god. In a culture where days were consumed...

Qadosh Nation: The Three Tithes of the Scripture


Qadosh Nation: The Three Tithes of the Scripture Peter Michael Martinez March 17, 2024 The Three Tithes of the Scripture and how they apply to the Qadosh Nation Today. There have been several contentions that I have observed over the years as people awaken to the TRUTH of the scripture, the commandments of Elohim, and how we are to walk as Renewed Covenant disciples of Messiah Yahusha. The Name...

Peter Michael Martinez

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