September 23 – 923 – The Big Picture – Mystery Babylon Exposed Shaking My Head Productions – I’m just showing you what they show us in our “scripted” reality. Thanks to all my supporters and subs. You help me find new connections all the time. It’s definitely a group effort exposing these demons. One coincidence is...
Do People Know What This Word Actually Means?
Do People Know What This Word Actually Means?
Truthstream Media
As context is very important for all videos, this message is to confirm that the purpose of this video is reporting on or documenting the content. Note that we make an effort to research for context and cite our sources as appropriate.
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MAGA or Magus
MAGA or Magus is the name for the highest rank in the Church of Satan. MAGA translate to “WITCH” in Latin MAGA in Portuguese means magician, sorceress, wizard. MAGA in Japanese means wickedness, evil, calamity, disaster. MAGA in a slang word in Nigeria meaning sucker, fraud victim or easily fooled idiot. MAGA means “lies” in ZULU MAGA means DRAGON in Sundanese. MAGA means “Sorceress” and “Female...
MAGADAN -The Tribe Of Dan – Don’t Trust A Snake!
MAGADAN -The Tribe Of Dan – Don’t Trust A Snake! Shaking My Head Productions Aug 26, 2024 SMHP is viewer funded. ** If you appreciate this content and would like to help keep me going, please consider investing in this message. Every little bit helps. Please consider it to be a tip for my time and the quality of the content if you don’t like the term donate. Thank you! Invest in...
The Planned Future for America
The Planned Future for America Trey Smith This is an interview by Trey Smith with author Larry Ballard. The interview takes place at Top of the Rock in Branson Missouri, on the Lost Cave Trail Ride. In this interview Larry Ballard discusses the possible collapse of the US dollar, as well as a history of the financial systems. The opinions expressed are those of Larry Ballard. It is always better...
The Old World Origins?
The Old World Origins? Today, we take a step closer to finding out where this knowledge of constructing massive cathedrals and basilicas truly came from. We add valuable information, that will help us in the future. Understanding, that there has to be a beginning place for all of this old world technology.. all of the knowledge to construct the Milan cathedral, the st marks basilica, the Cologne...
Politics Unveiled – Anti-Masons, Etidorhpa, Occult Government, and the Puppet Show
Politics Unveiled – Anti-Masons, Etidorhpa, Occult Government, and the Puppet Show
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TopHats were Mind Control Devices: Mercury Poison, Blue Mass, and Mad Hatters
TopHats were Mind Control Devices: Mercury Poison, Blue Mass, and Mad Hatters Why did everyone wear top hats in the past? Was it merely a fashion statement? We’ve been told that the mad hatters were the hat makers who suffered from mercury poisoning, but what if that’s not the complete tale? It doesn’t make too much sense why so much was lost in our historical record…...
Christian? From Where It Has Come?
Christian? From Where It Has Come? Christian: Meaning Cretin French “a dwarfed and deformed idiot” from Vulgar Latin *christianus “a Christian, a generic term for anyone, but often with a sense of poor fellow.” The word Christian means Cretin. “a dwarfed and deformed idiot” Is not related to the word Christ. Christianos means Cretin. Christ means anointed. The term Christ was used way before...
10 SIGNS WE LIVE IN A “MINORITY REPORT” WORLD By Nicholas West – (Activist Post) Originally Posted: AUGUST 20, 2013 As we look around at the Police State being built across the world, combined with enhanced mind control techniques, it is easy to draw direct parallels with books like 1984 and Brave New World. It’s almost as if these books formed a clear blueprint for anyone seeking control...