THE TIME HAS COME TO TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT THE OTHER VERSIONS MJ Koniuchowsky The time has come to be open and honest with all those who seek to know exactly which translation of Scripture is the best. While there are many criteria, some basic fundamentals will help you decide easily, what is best and what has been the best since its inception 20 years ago. The Restoration Scriptures True Name...
What Is The Meaning Of 2 Chronicles 7:14?
What Is The Meaning Of 2 Chronicles 7:14? “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14). The key to understanding any verse of Scripture is context. There is the immediate context—the verses before and after it, as well as the...
Why Does Yahusha Say We Are Worth More Than Many Sparrows (Matthew 10:31)?
Why Does Yahusha Say We Are Worth More Than Many Sparrows (Matthew 10:31)? As Yahusha gets ready to send out His twelve apostles to continue the work of advancing His Father’s kingdom, He prepares them for an onslaught of extreme persecution (Matthew 10:16–25). Knowing their hearts are filled with trepidation, He comforts and encourages them (Matthew 10:26–33). One urgent and undeniable concern...
Why Should We Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem?
Why Should We Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem? Yahuah tells us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem in Psalm 122:6-9: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: ‘May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels.’ For the sake of my brothers and friends, I will say, ‘Peace be within you.’ For the sake of the house of Yahuah our Elohim, I will seek your...
What Is The Year Of Jubilee?
What Is The Year Of Jubilee? The word “jubilee”—literally, “the blast of a horn” in Hebrew—is defined in Leviticus 25:9 as the sabbatical year after seven cycles of seven years (49 years). The fiftieth year was to be a time of celebration and rejoicing for the Yisraelites. The ram’s horn was blown on the tenth day of the seventh month to start the fiftieth year of universal redemption. The Year...
Eddie Chumney – The Zadok Priestly Calendar – Part 1 & 2
03-20-24, Eddie Chumney – Hebraic Heritage Ministries Int’l – The Zadok Priestly Calendar – The Zadok Priestly Calendar – Part 1 & 2
Berean Echad Ministries
Learn More: Watch Video Part 1
Learn More: Watch Video Part 2
What Is The Connection Between Prayer And Fasting?
What Is The Connection Between Prayer And Fasting? Although the connection between prayer and fasting is not specifically explained in Scripture, a common thread connecting the two seems to run through all the instances of prayer and fasting recorded in the Scriptures. In the Old Testament, it appears that fasting with prayer had to do with a sense of need and dependence, and/or of abject...
Passover Movie – The Messiah YAHUSHA Prophecy Fulfilled
Passover Movie – The Messiah YAHUSHA Prophecy Fulfilled The Messiah: Prophecy Fulfilled. This movie dramatically presents the true meaning of the Passover/Pesach dinner practiced by the Yahudim around the world. The story takes place in Yisrael on the FIRST Passover following YAHUSHA’s death. The Gospel is clearly revealed. This drama shows how one Rabbi Yahudah (Nick Mancuso) becomes...
Who Wrote the Torah? What Does it Matter?
Who Wrote the Torah? What Does it Matter? By Ariel Berkowitz There are those who might say that it really does not matter who wrote the Torah, as long as we believe it and follow it. Why, they say, should we get involved into such intellectual pursuits when all that really counts is that we be “careful to observe all the words of this Torah which are written in this book, to fear this honored and...
What Are The Ten Commandments?
What Are The Ten Commandments? The text that we know as the ten commandments is found in Exodus 20:1-17, but they are not called the Ten Commandments there. The expression Ten Commandments is only used three times in the Scripture. (Exo 34:28) And he was there with YAHUAH forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the...