Second Exodus…Are you ready?
Officially the
Many believe that soon there will be a super natural rapture. A phenomenon when Bible believing Christians will be snatched away taking up to heaven; while the rest of the world goes through the tribulation.
They believe all that will remain is ones clothing, jewelry, heart pacers, etc. Yet, Scriptures clearly tell us that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom.
As outlined in my book, “An In-depth Look Into the Rapture”, this teaching is extremely dangerous. Because many will receive the mark of the beast because their ear tickling paster told them they would not be here to get it. That is why many are indeed being duped right now!
Contrary to the Rapture heresy, people of Yahuwah will be taken to the wilderness.
There is where she will be feed and taken care of for 1,260 days. They are not leaving earth but being taken to the wilderness and will remain until the 7th Trumpet sounds!
Read along to learn more about the Second Exodus by Prince Norman Nyazika.
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