There are hundreds of U.S. patents to control weather, which are owned by the U.S. military and government.
The process by which “man-made weather,” aka Solar Radiation Management (SRM), is deployed is through the use of retrofitted airplanes for aerosol spraying “chemtrails” that rain down on earth, plant life and wildlife, all sorts of nanoparticles, toxins, and other horrendous chemicals. Some assays have found
- Aluminum (known to cause tinnitus)
- Arsenic
- Barium salts
- Cadium s/b cadmium
- Desiccated human blood cells
- Ethylene dibromide
- Lead
- Magnesium
- Mercury
- Mold spores
- Mycoplasma
- Polymer fibers
- Radio cesium
- Sharp titanium shards
- Stonthium s/b Strontium
- Submicron particles
- Unidentified living bacteria
- Uranium
- And many other toxins
Source of spray chemicals: Chemtrails in California – Chemtrails Spraying in California – Stop Chemtrail Spraying in California California, Report Chemtrails in California