What Is In Store For The Wheat?
What they do once the tares are dwelt with they gather up the wheat and lay it on a thrashing floor. This process is to remove the Chaff from the Wheat. This is much different than the Tares.
The Chaff has been with the wheat during all of its time of growth to the time of maturity.
The Chaff served to enclose the wheat and protect it and keep it safe while it’s growing and maturing.
However, when the grain of wheat is mature and ready to harvest and the tares are out of the way then they find the flattest rock in the field they can find and lay the stalks of wheat on what they call a Threshing Floor.
The next step they use a Ox to tread the wheat to remove the Chaff that the wheat has been living securely all its days. If the chaff is not removed the wheat will not be any good for use.
You may ask, why did they use a Ox and not a horse, mule, donkey, or cow?
Well, I’m glad you asked! Oxen feet are much different than the horse, mule, donkey or cow. Oxen feet are soft padded feet unlike the hoofs of the others because if they treaded out the wheat it would pulverize the wheat along with the chaff and would ruin the whole crop.
Even with the mighty weight of the Ox its gently walks among the wheat removing the chaff with no injury to the wheat what so ever.
My Good Friend and Brother Tim Sawyer Shared This Tidbit of Information:
“Also I would like to mention that in regards to the Ox in this article. The original Aramaic Hebrews Otiot first letter is Aleph which is a picture of an Ox head.
This Otiot represents Abba Father Yahuah.
With this understanding it brings more clarity to the scripture on not muzzling the Oxen under his feet and why the pads of the ox feet do not crush but squeeze out the wheat.
Many mysteries being revealed in these times we are living in.”
My friends that is the work of YAHUAH’s ministers in the earth today.
We are being laid to the Threshing Flood and all that has been attached to us during our time of growth and coming into maturity has got to be removed.
This has been your brothers calling and others to walk among The Wheat to gently help removed these things that’s been in our lives forever that is keeping us from being all we can be that YAHUAH wants us to be.
I know and totally understand what your brother shares is some heavy duty stuff and it’s tuff to have to give up things that you have found to trusted in to keep you in a safe place.
But we have to removed those past things that are holding us back from making the Wedding Banquet. We have to cut the past loose, cut that ole time religion loose, cut the politics of this world loose, cut this flesh and it’s desires loose. Be willing to give up houses and land. Give it all up for Him Or ELOHIYM!Cause He’s coming for a Bride without Spot or Blemish.
And it’s hard to give up these things we have come so accustomed in trusting in. And change is hard, and most people fear change and the repercussions they will get from their peers if they took that step Crossing Over from Pagan ways to YAHAUAH’s Way.
Your brother is trying his best to help as many as he can and as gently as I’m able to Cross Over and come to the discovery who they are and their Hebrew Heritage.
You shall not muzzle the ox when he treads out the grain.
For the Scripture says, You shall not muzzle the ox that treads out the grain. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward.
Excerpt from Wheat, Tares & Chaff: The Difference
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