13 When YAH-USHA came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His talmidim, saying, Who do men say that I The Ben Ahdahm Am?
14 And they said, Some say that You are Yochanan ha Matbeel: some, Eli-Yahu; and others, Yirmeyahu, or one of the neviim.
15 He said to them, But who do you say that I AM?
16 And Shimon Kepha answered and said, You are The Moshiach, The Son of the living Eloha who has come into the olam hazeh. [4590]
17 And YAH-USHA answered and said to him, Blessed are you, Shimon Bar Yonah: for flesh and dahm has not revealed this to you, but My Abba who is in the shamayim.
18 And I say also to you, That you are Kepha and upon this Rock I will restore [4591] My congregation [4592] as a Bayit of tefillah; [4593] and the gates of Gei-Hinnom shall not prevail against it.
19 And I will give to you the keys of the malchut ha shamayim: and whatever you shall bind on earth shall be; having been bound in the shamayim: and whatever you shall loose on earth shall be; having been loosed in the shamayim. [4594]
The Besorah According To Matthew (Mattityahu) 16:17-18 RSTNE 7th Edition
Foot Notes:
[4591] Greek word is oikodomeo. Strong’s Greek # 3618, meaning rebuild, repair and restore.
Restoration Scriptures True Name 7th Edition
Glossary of Hebrew Words:
Talmidim (H) Disciples, Students, Or Followers
Dahm (H) Blood; Pronounced Dah-hm
Ben- Ahdahm (H) “Ben Ahdahm” Spelled With Upper Case “A” When Specifically Referring To Yahusha The Moshiach.
neviim (H) Used With Lower Case “n”; Any Combination Of The Prophets As A Whole
Moshiach (H) The Messiah, Or The Anointed One
Olam Hazeh (H) This Age, Or This World
Shamayim (H) The Heavens (Singular And Plural)
Beit Tefillah (H) House Of Prayer
Gei-Hinnom (H) Hell, Or A Valley Of Garbage Dumping Outside Ancient Jerusalem
Malchut HaShamayim (H) Kingdom Of Heaven, Or The Heavens
Personal Commentaire:
The Rock that YAHUSAH was referring was not Kepha (Peter) as being The Rock even though his name meant little stone.
YAHUSHA was referring to the Revelation of who He is given to Kepha given by the RUACH YAHUAH. That was what was reviled to him, and that is what YAHUAH’s Congregation is built on. Not a man of flesh.
5 You also, as lively stones, are built up as a spiritual bayit, [5751] a Kadosh priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to YHUH by YAH-USHA Ha Moshiach. [5752]
First Peter (Kepha Alef) 2:5
Foot Notes:
[5751] The House, or Tabernacle of Dawid restored.
Glossary of Hebrew Words
Bayit (H) House
Kadosh (H) Set-Apart
Restoration Scriptures True Name 7th Edition (RSTNE 7th Edition)