Wickedness – Hebrew: beliya’al


Wickedness – Hebrew: beliya’al

Wickedness – LUCAS (LUKE) 13-26-28

Hebrew – beliya’al בליעל means destruction, death, it is used to modify the word ‘dabar’ or word as a wicked word.

Greek – same as iniquity and anomia or without ‘law’ or commands of YAHUAH.

Then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and drunk in your presence, and you have taught in our streets.

But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye transgressors of the Torah.

There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see AVRAHAM, and YITSCHAQ, and YA’AQOV, and all the prophets, in the Kingdom of YAHUAH, and you yourselves thrust out.

LUCAS (LUKE) 13-26-28

But the sons of Beliya’al shall be all of them as thorns thrust away, because they cannot be taken with hands: But the man that shall touch them must be fenced with iron and the staff of a spear; and they shall be utterly burned with fire in the same place.


In the Greek, YAHUSHA would be saying, “Get away from me, all you workers of lawlessness!” In the Hebrew, YAHUSHA would be saying, “Get away from me, all you workers of ‘torahlessness’ as the word ‘torah’ has been translated as ‘law’ rather than ‘teachings and instructions.‘

Those who do not hold to YAHUAH’s teachings and instructions are also not holding to YAHUSHA’s teachings and instructions because YAHUSHA does only what His Father tells him to do (John 5:19), states that he and the father are one (John 10:10). According to John 1:14, the ‘davar’ or word (Torah) became flesh and lived among us. The the spoken or written word of YAHUAH appears to us in the flesh as YAHUSHA.


Your Brother, Gera’el Toma

aka Gerald W Thomas in New Hebron, Mississippi

About the author

Gera'el Toma

A highly esteemed elder in the faith of the Natsarim, the first century believers in Messiah Yahusha, and a treasured member of the Remnant House Team.

Gera'el Toma (Gerald Thomas) is an internationally recognized and respected teacher of the Holy Scriptures as originally written in the Hebrew language.

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Gera'el Toma

A highly esteemed elder in the faith of the Natsarim, the first century believers in Messiah Yahusha, and a treasured member of the Remnant House Team.

Gera'el Toma (Gerald Thomas) is an internationally recognized and respected teacher of the Holy Scriptures as originally written in the Hebrew language.

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