-The Halleluyah Scriptures-
Most editions are not free as advertised. Only the paper back is. The others require “a donation.” On the cover page they claim it is never to be sold. Yet all editions other than paperback will not be shipped without a cover price + shipping.
It is based mostly on The Masoretic text with all the anti Messiah redactions and prejudices left intact. The New Covenant is based on the Greek Textus Receptus without any reliance on Hebrew and Aramaic manuscripts.
Ignores all other texts that are more valid. Refuses to use such valid texts like the LXX, Aramaic Peshitta and restored Dead Sea Scroll texts.
No restored Apocrypha books.
No red Letters for the Words of the Father, Son and Ruach.
Special orders needed for larger print editions.
Basically a traditional Christian bible with the true sacred names added.
Follows the church order of books leaving Paul’s epistles before the other ones such as Hebrews and Peter’s epistles.
Claims that teachers and subsequent study notes are not needed at all. This is in direct contradiction of Ephesians Chapter 4 where Messiah has left us teachers in 5 fold offices for teaching and oversight purposes. A prideful claim.
Contains some notes in the back despite claims of no human notes.
Contains the unbiblical middle page dividing the First and Renewed Covenant just like Christian bibles.
Glossary is only a page and a half.
No Torah portions for weekly and annual Sabbaths.
Accused by the South African Scriptures publishers, as stolen without permission.
No focus on the two house and other key restoration movements promised in Scripture.
Will not reveal the names and qualifications of the editors and compilers. They represent themselves as merely the team. A lack of transparency.
-The Scriptures From South Africa-
Ignores all other texts that are more valid. Refuses to use such valid texts like the LXX, Aramaic Peshitta and restored Dead Sea Scroll texts.
It is based mostly on The Masoretic text with all the anti Messiah redactions and prejudices left intact. The New Covenant is based on the Greek Textus Receptus without any reliance on more reliable Hebrew and Aramaic manuscripts.
No restored Apocrypha books.
No red Letters for the Words of The Father, Son and Ruach.
Basically a traditional Christian bible with the true sacred names added.
Contains the unbiblical middle page dividing the First and Renewed Covenant just like Christian bibles.
Follows the church order of books leaving Paul’s epistles before the other ones such as Hebrews and Peter’s epistles.
Uses block modern Hebrew letters not the Paleo Hebrew.
Special orders needed for larger print editions.
No focus on the two house and other key restoration movements promised in Scripture.
Contains very limited Explanatory Note Section.
No Real Glossary.
No Torah portions for weekly and annual Sabbaths.
-The Alef-Taf Eth Cepher Bible-
Does not use the Hebrew letters for the true Names.
The type is super small and hard to read, making the reading more like run-on sentences.
Does not have red letters for the Words of The Father, Son and Ruach.
It is based mostly on The Masoretic text in the First Covenant with all the anti-Messiah redactions and prejudices left intact.
Contains no study notes just some simple footnotes.
No restored Renewed Covenant Manuscripts such as Barnabas, Clement and the Didache.
Includes satanic books such as Bel and the Dragon which have no place in Scripture.
Contains fraudulent books like 3rd and 4th Maccabees. 3rd and 4th Maccabees are entirely unrelated to 1 and 2 Maccabees, except in its general theme, and does not relate to the persecution of Jews in Judea under Antiochus IV; rather, it relates the story of a persecution of Jews in Egypt under Ptolemy IV Philopator (221-203 BCE).
Includes Acts chapter 29 a clear forgery according to most scholars.
For all those errors you can get them for just $99.00 or $275 for the millennial edition.
My Top Choice and highest recommendation is the Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition 8th Edition by far. RSTNE.COM