Roosty The Rooster & The Thorton Chicks
A Story of Love & Restoration
The Sabbath of July 29th 2023 we had the honor and privilege to have our special Extended Family in Yahuah Brother Vincent and Sister Beth Thorton to spend the Sabbath with us here at our little place.
We talked about nearly everything and of course the subject of animals came up and as we were started sharing different stories of our animals Vince told me how he rescued a Chicken.
From memory Vince was telling me that one day at work (in Town) at his office he looked out the window and saw this chicken out in the street. It looked pretty ruff like it either fall out of a crate being transported and the road rash from the tumble messed him all up or perhaps he was attacked by an animal. Nonetheless, the poor chicken was in dire need of rescuing. It was a miracle the chicken didn’t get hit by moving traffic or a dog take him out.
When Vince saw and realized what was going on he rushed outside immediately and that bird didn’t run away and let Vince pick it up.
Vince and Beth are big animal lovers like myself and Vince’s compassionate heart went out to that chicken to help ABBA YAHUAH restore this bird.
His feathers were so damaged Vince didn’t know if the chicken was a Hen or Rooster. That was to remain seen.
After a time of good lavish loving, good food and fresh water the chicken started renewing its feathers and shape up and becoming more identifiable regarding what he was. Once Yahuah, Vince and Beth brought restoration into this chicken’s life and has developed into the most handsome, debonair, dazzling Rooster I’ve ever seen. What a good looking boy he has turned out to be!
And that’s just the half of it.
They named him Roosty and his Hens The Thorton Chicks.
How cleaver and creative is that! Hahahaha!
Oh! It gets better!
Roosty loves and cherishes his girls. So much so he will pick up food carry it to one of his girls lay it down so she can have a bite. He does that. Oh! And another thing that amazed me. Roosty went and fluffed up a particular nest of one of the girls and when he got the bed made up just perfect he signaled for his girl her next is ready for her to lay.
I’m sure the stories of Roosty the Rooster and The Thorton Chicks could be endless with one delightful story after another.
And it thrills me today I can share with you the Restoration of Roosty the Rooster and what Yahuah can do with a little love, understanding and compassion.
Ya’ll Stay Blessed!
Brother G & Company
Roosty The Rooster & The Thorton Chicks
A Story of Love & Restoration