Fall Feast Lineup 2024-2025
We are soon coming up on the Fall Feasts and you may want to tuck this meme back somewhere for easy references.
If you have any questions regarding the Fall Feasts now is a good time to start asking question and learn more way before the 1st day of the 7th month and be caught off guard and not knowing what we should be doing.
Enjoy Your Adventure in Scripture
Using the Zadokite-Enochian Priestly Solar Calendar As Found in the Dead Sea Scrolls 2024-2025
YOM TERUAH / TRUMPETS: 1st Day of the 7th Month (Sept. 18th)
YOM KIPPUR / DAY OF ATONEMENT: 10th Day of the 7th Month ( Sept. 27th)
SUKKOTH / TABERNACLES: 15th Day of the 7th Month (Oct. 2th-Oct.8th)
LAST GREAT DAY: 22nd Day of the 7th Month (Oct. 9th)