Sure, Your Vote Matters… Just Keep Telling Yourself That


Sure, Your Vote Matters… Just Keep Telling Yourself That

Everything from the declared “GOP war on voters” to the Democrats’ “superdelegates” to electronic vote rigging and out and out cheating at the primaries with improbable coin tosses and card flips… 

The system is basically rubbing the fact that votes don’t matter in the average American’s face right now, while in dramatic bipolar fashion doing everything it can to push people’s buttons so they’ll vote anyway (while reaffirming how worthless their votes truly are).

Our presidential elections are the equivalent of a human-sized hamster wheel. Run as fast as you can every four years, so long as you realize you aren’t ever going to get anywhere. House rules, house wins.

Learn More: Watch Video: 

About the author

Gera'el Toma

A highly esteemed elder in the faith of the Natsarim, the first century believers in Messiah Yahusha, and a treasured member of the Remnant House Team.

Gera'el Toma (Gerald Thomas) is an internationally recognized and respected teacher of the Holy Scriptures as originally written in the Hebrew language.

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Gera'el Toma

A highly esteemed elder in the faith of the Natsarim, the first century believers in Messiah Yahusha, and a treasured member of the Remnant House Team.

Gera'el Toma (Gerald Thomas) is an internationally recognized and respected teacher of the Holy Scriptures as originally written in the Hebrew language.

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