The Name of Jesus is a Mis-Translation and Mis-Transliteration of the Aramaic name Yeshua, which came out of the time of Babylonian captivity, when the Hebrew Name YAHUSHA was changed.
The Hebrew root YESHU means: to blot his Name out or “May his Name and Memory be Obliterated”, this Name Yeshua was then translated into the Greek, which came out a Feminine Name Iesoua, which was then changed to Iesous to make it masculine, then translated into Latin under the Name Iesus (King James 1611 version)
Which was later changed again into the Name Jesus about 500 years ago when the letter “J” enter the English Language, which the Letter “J” did not exist then and still does not exist in Hebrew today!
The Heavenly Father did not leave us without witness’ of this “grave” error.
The Greek form of “Jesus” being Iesous, is pronounced “hey-soos” and can be found in the Hebrew writings! Hey-soos is a legitimate Hebrew word! “Jesus” transliterated into Hebrew is “hey-soos”, Hey” in Hebrew means “Look, Reveal or Breath”. “Soos” in Hebrew means “Horse”, (Strong’s #5483)
A horse is a false hope for Salvation; Nor does it deliver anyone by its great strength. Psalms 33:17
He delight’s not in the strength of the horse (Jesus): he takes no pleasure in the legs (works) of a man. Psalms 147:10