And The Graves Were Opened; And Many Bodies Of The Yisraelite Kidushim That Slept Arose


And The Graves Were Opened; And Many Bodies Of The Yisraelite Kidushim That Slept Arose


46 And at about 3 o’clock YAH-USHA cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli-Yahuwah, Eli-Yahuwah, lemana-shabakthani?That is to say, My El-Yahuwah, My El-Yahuwah, why are You keeping Me? [4747] [4748]

47 Some of them that stood there, when they heard that, said, This Man calls for Eli-Yahu. [4749] 

48 And immediately one of them ran and took a sponge and filled it with vinegar and put it on a reed and gave Him to drink. 

49 The rest said, Leave Him alone, let us see whether Eli-Yahu will come to save Him. 

50 YAH-USHA, when He had cried again with a loud voice, He dismissed His ruach. 

51 And, see, the veil of the Beit HaMikdash was rent in two from the top to the bottom; [4750] and the earth did quake and the rocks rent; 

52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the Yisraelite kidushim that slept arose, 

53 And came out of the graves after His resurrection and went into the kadosh city and appeared to many.

The Besorah According To Matthew (Mattityahu) 27:46-53 RSTNE 7th Edition 

Foot Notes:

[4747] Going with the Aramaic and not the Greek. In the Aramaic Messiah is basically asking why the suffering is continuing so long. He is not accusing YAH of forsaking Him, nor is He confused into thinking that He is being forsaken, since He is YAH and knows The Father’s plan. 

The One who stated that He could call for 12 legions of angels to deliver Himself and the One who said that The Father would never leave Him alone even if all the disciples did, would never claim to be forsaken. Since it cannot mean forsaken, the word shabakthani can also mean keeping me, or preserving me. In this context, this is the obvious meaning. 

Since Messiah would never accuse, or believe that YAH had forsaken Him, Psalm 22 can still be seen as a narrative of the Suffering Servant, but the literal words of Psalm 22:1-2 would never come out of Messiah’s mouth. 

In this case, the evidence of the Aramaic meaning is clearly superior to the Greek and substantiates that Messiah requested a quickening of His suffering (in its 6th hour), as opposed to an accusation against YAH of being forsaken. 

[4748] Mark 15:34. 

[4749] Because Eli-Yahu-wah sounds like Eli-Yahu. 

[4750] The veil to the Set-Apart Place, not the most Set-Apart Place.

Glossary of Hebrew Words:

Beit HaMikdash (H)YHUH’s Temple On Mt. Moriah

Kidushim (H) Saints

Kadosh (H) Set-Apart

Restoration Scriptures True Name 7th Edition

About the author

Gera'el Toma

A highly esteemed elder in the faith of the Natsarim, the first century believers in Messiah Yahusha, and a treasured member of the Remnant House Team.

Gera'el Toma (Gerald Thomas) is an internationally recognized and respected teacher of the Holy Scriptures as originally written in the Hebrew language.

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By Gera'el Toma

Gera'el Toma

A highly esteemed elder in the faith of the Natsarim, the first century believers in Messiah Yahusha, and a treasured member of the Remnant House Team.

Gera'el Toma (Gerald Thomas) is an internationally recognized and respected teacher of the Holy Scriptures as originally written in the Hebrew language.

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