The Significance of Being Immersed: Immersion or Re-Immersion A Spiritual Legal Divorce


The Significance of Being Immersed

Immersion or Re-Immersion A Spiritual Legal Divorce

We begin at MA’ASIYM (ACTS) 2:38-41

Then Kepha said unto them, Repent, and be immersed everyone of you in the name of YAHUAH-YAHUSHA for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the RUACH HA’QODESH.

For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as YAHUAH ELOHAYNU shall call.

And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this perverse nation.

Then they that gladly received his word were immersed: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.

MA’ASIYM (ACTS) 2:38-41

Immersion is a divorce from the world and all of Satan’s deceptions, religious, political, humanistic, etc. All of whatever you have given yourself of the world to indulge in throughout your life. By your immersion beneath the water you are literally drowning your old worldly self, evicting the spirit of death from your body, washing yourself in YAH-USHA’s blood to be reborn a maiden, a fit habitation for the Set-Apart Spirit. You are made a new person, a spiritual being, as in Colossians 3:1-9 or all.

Our Saviour YAHUSHA the Messiah Anointer performed a cleansing of the Temple at Yerushalayim, this is the Temple made by mans hands. M’t 21:12, And YAHUSHA went into the Set-Apart Place, of Elohim and drove out all those buying and selling in the QODESH (Set-Apart) Place, and overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold doves. 13, And He said to them, ” It has been written, ‘ My House shall be called a house of prayer,’ ‘ but you have made it a den of thieves!’ ”

Our Saviour was quoting Isa 56:7. And His physical cleansing of the Temple at Yerushalayim was a baptism, a divorce, throwing out the worldly which defiles the temple to bring about a correct spiritual environment for His Father YAHUAH. This cleansing of the Temple is also an example of the cleansing of our physical Temple by the Baptism of immersion our bodies need that we might become a correct spiritual environment for the RUACH HA’QODESH (Set-Apart Spirit) to dwell within.

If you are of the foreknown, the RUACH HA’QODESH (Set-Apart Spirit), YAHUSHA our Anointed Saviour will bring you to understand that your feigned righteousness, your every thought and deed and your secret motives are all continually vain and filthy rags before Him who sees all. If your willing They will bring you to sincere repentance. In time if you continue in repentance as you seek Their Wisdom They will bring you to understand Their plan for redemption and the necessity for your Immersion or Re-Immersion in the Name of YAHUSHA or YAHUAH Saviour, which is the only name given us, Acts 4:12.

One of the deceivers greatest hoaxes is the names of blasphemy such as Jesus, Lord, God, Jehovah, Allah and all the rest of his deceptions that gain him praise and worship. This is one of Satan’s deceptions that if it were possible it would confound the very elect, but it hasn’t.

In your past while seeking Truth did you allow yourself to become beguiled by the deceiver or by the deceit of your own heart and have yourself Immersed into one of the names of blasphemy such as Jesus?

Satan is the Might One of this world for yet a short time and if you have polluted your temple with the world or been Immersed into one of his counterfeit family names then it is necessary to be re-Immeresed.

Example, if you were Immersed into the false family name(s) of Jesus or the Lord God Jehovah, then at that time you invited the Holy Ghost (Satan or one or more of the other fallen messengers) to come dwell within you, a cohabitation, a marriage. You were washed in some manner by the priest, pastor or elder(s) and they prayed to their mighty one(s) over you and they laid their hands on you etc. This ceremony was your spiritually legal marriage to the imposter(s) as you did this thing willingly.

Oh you say, ” I know my Immersion was a correct thing and I felt the spirit or spoke in some unknown language.” You were deceived.

Immersion is for the spiritually mature not just the sincere, and it being an invitation to marriage is no small matter. Immersion is not as some preachers say merely a symbolic gesture.

Satan has become a minister of light and so also are the other fallen spirits and if Immersed into their light which is really darkness then when you are introduced to the True Light it to you will seem to be the darkness. Satan does not want you to be Immersed out of his false name(s) and into the QODESH (Set-Apart) Name of YAH-USHA and he will argue against this bitterly.

But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other Besorah unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other Besorah unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.


Modern Christianity with it’s use of the imposters traditions and false name(s) rather than the use of our Saviours correct name, YAHUSHA, which He was anointed with by His Father YAHUAH is a perverse corruption of the original message our Saviour delivered to His disciples. Carefully read all of John 17 as here we find YAHUSHA praying to His Father YAHUAH that the Father would keep YAHUSHA’s disciples in His name which is ( YAHUSHA – YAHUAH Saviour).

Please carefully read The Besorah According To John (Yochanan) 5:43 where we find YAH-USHA saying, “I AM come in My Abba’s Name (YHUH/YAHUAH Saviour) and you receive Me not: if another shall come in his own name (Jesus Christ, Jehovah ect), him you will receive.”

This is what we were warned of in GALATIYM (GALATIANS) 1:8-9 for we find in MA’ASIYM (ACTS) 2:4:12 one of many examples how after the murder of YAHUSHA His disciples were often placed in prison, beaten and ordered never to again use these name(s) (YHUH/YAHUAH and YAHUSHA Mashiach/Messiah). Recall the various warnings throughout the Scriptures regarding the lying pen(s) of the scribes.

Marriage between adult men and women and also marriage between adults and a spirit is for the mature and sincere. (Romaiym / Romans 6:16 is saying to us) Who you invite to cohabitant with you in your temple is whom you will receive. When you are finally Immersed into the family of YHUH/YAHUAH be prepared for adversity and to persevere the remainder of your life by continuing in right rulings. They, the Father and Son will make this an achievable goal.

Being Immersed is not for little children or even young adults who for one reason or another believe themselves to understand more than they actually do. You would not let your young children marry neither should you allow your young children to be Immersed as it is a life and death decision.

Rejoice, though the parameters of scriptural divorce are narrow we do have just cause as Satan the imposter is an idolater, a spiritual harlot and a blasphemer. Divorce from him by immersion in the QODESH (Set-Apart) Name is your spiritually legal solution.

Then Kepha said unto them, Repent, and be immersed everyone of you in the name of YAHUAH-YAHUSHA for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the RUACH HA’QODESH.


About the author

Gera'el Toma

A highly esteemed elder in the faith of the Natsarim, the first century believers in Messiah Yahusha, and a treasured member of the Remnant House Team.

Gera'el Toma (Gerald Thomas) is an internationally recognized and respected teacher of the Holy Scriptures as originally written in the Hebrew language.

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By Gera'el Toma

Gera'el Toma

A highly esteemed elder in the faith of the Natsarim, the first century believers in Messiah Yahusha, and a treasured member of the Remnant House Team.

Gera'el Toma (Gerald Thomas) is an internationally recognized and respected teacher of the Holy Scriptures as originally written in the Hebrew language.

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